Monday, September 30, 2019

What are you really into?

I really, really into the reading, I read in the travel from my home to the university and vice versa, and in my home if I don't have something else to do, how watch videos or study, I read. But I don't read books, that I read is manga and light novels (in general of the mangas).
Let me explain my story, when I was younger, my older brother saw anime in the TV on his room and I was going with he, but I had a problem, I didn't know how to read very well, and he had to read me what they are saying, but later he became to get bored of having to read me all the time, that was one of the reasons to learn to read well.
The years pass and I sometimes watch anime, but for problems with time and internet I decided to read the manga of the anime that I was watching, and see what are the differences between them.
That was a point of no return, I read everything that I watch, I discovered new very good stories, and one day, before going on a vacation trip, I decided to check the novel of one of the manga that I read for, again, see what changes between them.
Now I follow around one hundred mangas, and nine novels, with one on hold.
I think that I never gonna to stop finding new mangas or novels to read, and I hope that the day that I don't have anything to read never comes.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to read mangas, but it doesn't convince me, I always end up going back to anime :(
