Monday, September 30, 2019

What are you really into?

I really, really into the reading, I read in the travel from my home to the university and vice versa, and in my home if I don't have something else to do, how watch videos or study, I read. But I don't read books, that I read is manga and light novels (in general of the mangas).
Let me explain my story, when I was younger, my older brother saw anime in the TV on his room and I was going with he, but I had a problem, I didn't know how to read very well, and he had to read me what they are saying, but later he became to get bored of having to read me all the time, that was one of the reasons to learn to read well.
The years pass and I sometimes watch anime, but for problems with time and internet I decided to read the manga of the anime that I was watching, and see what are the differences between them.
That was a point of no return, I read everything that I watch, I discovered new very good stories, and one day, before going on a vacation trip, I decided to check the novel of one of the manga that I read for, again, see what changes between them.
Now I follow around one hundred mangas, and nine novels, with one on hold.
I think that I never gonna to stop finding new mangas or novels to read, and I hope that the day that I don't have anything to read never comes.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Some embarrassing moments

I'm not very good remembering but I'm sure that I have a few embarrassing moments that I could tell. (It's taking me more time that I expect)
I remember when I was a child, I was playing with a ball with other children in front of my grandma's house, and one of them kick the ball and it hits me in the face, the half of my face was full with mud and everyone laughed at me, I remember that I just run crying into the house.
Another embarrassing moment was when I'm going to class on second grade, my uncle was taking me to class in the morning with his van and I just got off of the van, enter into the class, sit in my chair and... take my notebook..., in that moment I realized that I don't had my backpack, I had to wait for twenty or thirty minutes to my backpack arrive.
Seriously I don't remember much others embarrassing moments, I'm sure that I had more but they don't come to my mind, maybe these moments are erased from my memory without me knowing, or maybe how I'm a bit shy, everything that I do it's a little embarrassing for me, so simply these moments doesn't save in my memory.
Well, who knows? At least I don't. >.<

Monday, September 9, 2019

My favorite vacation.

I don't know, I don't remember having a vacation that I said "These are the best vacations I've ever had", or something like that, but I remember few things of various vacations that I like or are interesting to tell.

For vacation my family uses to go to the beach and I remember that when we travel for first time to Las Cruces Big Beach (If I'm not mistaken), when I was 9 more or less, I played too much time in the water, then I go to eat with my parents, the classic egg bread, to finally return to the water.

I remember that one year, when my family travels back to the home at the finish of one vacation on the south, we needed to stop because near the road there was a fire, we stopped for at least two hours. And what happened the next year? Yes, again there was a fire near of the road, at least this time it didn't take us more than two hours.

In the past vacation we traveled to Osorno and visited my uncles who live there, one day we went to a lake to swim and my younger brother found a little piece of tape and tied it to my wrist, and I still have it.

I have one or two things more that I could say but with this is enough, so this is all, see ya.

Monday, September 2, 2019

A country I would like to visit.

I don't really think about it, and I don't know which country I want to visit, but if I could say someone it's probably Japan.
It could be Japan because I like his culture and it have beautiful views. I have to be honest, I don't know much of the country, but I sure to know the sufficient of it to what to travel and visit the country, at least, once.

If I visit Japan, I don't think that I stay for much time,four or three days could be enough for me, these days probably don't be much for visit a lot of places ,but a short visit is good for me. There are two things that I want to see and visit, a temple and buy some amulets and stuff like that, and a field full of cherry trees that are very beautiful.

And If I want to stay there for work or study?

If exist the chance for me to go and work or study in Japan it could be great, but I don't know, I'm not good staying in new places that I don't know someone, so my answer is if its for study probably not, but if is for work I would considered it.

Well I finish my first blog of this semester and it will be more so see you next time. Bye~~