Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluation of blog experience

My experience of writing in this blog is, indeed, good. I don't usually write... well I don't write I like more read than write so this is a good experience for me.

As I don’t write much, just shopping list for say something, I don’t have much experience writing about me or a specific subject, so this activity helped me a lot to somehow feel more confident about myself when writing about things and especially in English. If I hardly write in Spanish, it will be less if it is in English.

I think that my writing skills aren’t bad, but I need to check what I wrote in a translator, to confirm that I writing is that I thinking and see if I wasn't wrong when writing a word. Although sometimes I need to use a translator, it is a great advance for me to have written so much in English in this way, and no single words or sentences of less than ten words.

As I said before, I usually don't write, so I really wouldn't know what I'd like to write about, and if I’ll write here in another occasion if isn’t necessary.

Well, thanks all for readme and see you. Bye~~


  1. Eduardo you did very well, thanks for telling us about you :)

  2. I am very happy that it was a good experience, and I compared the idea that blogs helped me feel more secure when writing.

  3. ooh I think that you did everything nice, and your presence has made everything more pleasant c:
