Friday, July 12, 2019

The most enjoyable subject...

I'm actually studying chemistry and I like it, and also I like all of the classes that I have (at least for now). 
The mostly of my classes are theoretical but I have classes in the laboratory, laboratory techniques,  and I like it to much. I like the classes in the laboratory because with my hands I can prepare all the implements that I need and I can see all the process of the experiment in real time; the process of my work and of my classmates. But I also have theoretical classes of that, because we can't work in the laboratory without the knowledge of what we doing. The safety first.
I like too the teachers that I have, they can answer any question that you have, and they also are very friendly, for example in my last class when my partner in the lab and I are waiting for a solution to evaporate, my teacher come to us and talk about the experiment and other things.
The last classes was a little boring because we need to wait for a solution to evaporate and you couldn't do much apart of look, but I don't care.
Well today I don't feel much communicative so I leave it here, but I can tell that I like all of my classes, and I enjoy them, which is the important. Bye~~

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