Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluation of blog experience

My experience of writing in this blog is, indeed, good. I don't usually write... well I don't write I like more read than write so this is a good experience for me.

As I don’t write much, just shopping list for say something, I don’t have much experience writing about me or a specific subject, so this activity helped me a lot to somehow feel more confident about myself when writing about things and especially in English. If I hardly write in Spanish, it will be less if it is in English.

I think that my writing skills aren’t bad, but I need to check what I wrote in a translator, to confirm that I writing is that I thinking and see if I wasn't wrong when writing a word. Although sometimes I need to use a translator, it is a great advance for me to have written so much in English in this way, and no single words or sentences of less than ten words.

As I said before, I usually don't write, so I really wouldn't know what I'd like to write about, and if I’ll write here in another occasion if isn’t necessary.

Well, thanks all for readme and see you. Bye~~

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Our Amazing Human body

When I think about the human body, I find that everything about it is amazing since the brain and the thoughts, to the cells and neurotransmitters. So, how I can’t talk of every part of the body that I like (because it’ll take me much time and I don’t want), I will talk about the capacity of the body to move.

Imagen relacionada
Don't forget: the heart it's also a muscle.
Let me explain, you have stopped to think that every time that you move or even just stand still, too many muscles are working, how you can run, crouch or jump and don’t fall, how the brain and the muscles, including the ear and the sight work together for let you move and do anything that you want. That’s what I find amazing of the human body.
The muscles play an important role of this and much people don’t care about it. Just try: move your arm, your hand and your fingers, the only action of grab something in your desk requires the work of the muscles of your back to the fingers (and possibly more).

Resultado de imagen para como mantener los musculos sanos
How the muscles help to you, you could help they too.

How? Eat food rich in protein like fish, milk, eggs, soy, cereal. And do exercise; isn’t necessary do exercises to fall exhausted, with have a daily routine and do aerobic exercises is enough.
But not all is good, there are diseases that affect and atrophy the muscles like the muscular dystrophy, Hypotonia, Myalgia, and a few more.
Remember, your whole body cares about you; you should also cares about him.

Friday, July 12, 2019

The most enjoyable subject...

I'm actually studying chemistry and I like it, and also I like all of the classes that I have (at least for now). 
The mostly of my classes are theoretical but I have classes in the laboratory, laboratory techniques,  and I like it to much. I like the classes in the laboratory because with my hands I can prepare all the implements that I need and I can see all the process of the experiment in real time; the process of my work and of my classmates. But I also have theoretical classes of that, because we can't work in the laboratory without the knowledge of what we doing. The safety first.
I like too the teachers that I have, they can answer any question that you have, and they also are very friendly, for example in my last class when my partner in the lab and I are waiting for a solution to evaporate, my teacher come to us and talk about the experiment and other things.
The last classes was a little boring because we need to wait for a solution to evaporate and you couldn't do much apart of look, but I don't care.
Well today I don't feel much communicative so I leave it here, but I can tell that I like all of my classes, and I enjoy them, which is the important. Bye~~

Friday, July 5, 2019

An expert on your field

An expert in my field that I admire is John Dalton, the british chemist and physicist. 
Dalton was born in a humble family, and when he had twelve years old he began to teach in a school in his hometown. He don't have a really good education due to the lack of money of his family, but his inexhaustible curiosity and eagerness of knowledge allowed him to go far.
Among the things that he researched is the daltonism, a visual illness that suffered, and the most important of all Dalton's investigations, the atomic theory.
To sum up, the main points of Dalton's atomic theory are:
  1. Elements are made of extremely small particles called atoms.
  2. Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass and other properties.
  3. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created or destroyed.
  4. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole-number ratios to form chemical compounds
  5. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated or rearranged.

John Dalton

I like Dalton for the great contribution of his theory to the chemistry, and the fact that he developed it as a result of his studies of the gases (yes, he also studied the gases and he proposed a law called Dalton's Law).