Friday, May 31, 2019

Your favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology it's actually the Computer. I had a computer since I was a child, well... that computer wasn't mine, in fact that computer belonged to my older brother, and I always remember when I saw him play games, and also when I played with him sometimes. I currently has a computer that my parents gave me a few years ago.
I use my computer every day (well, only the weekends because now I don't have much time) and I use it for play games with my friends, study, watch videos and read, specially read. 
The First mechanical Computer called Z1
I like the computers because they have a lot of potential. The computers started as a giant calculating machine, to being later a piece of technology that can do many things, from play videos, music, games or even loading complete books, to recreate a complete country.
My life without a computer would be different, how different? I don't know, but definitely would be different. Probably I would have different hobbies and also waste my time in other things.


  1. its difficult to imagine life today without a computer.

  2. the life wouldn´t be the same without computers

  3. Is interesting how computers evolved (and how videogames do it too)
