Friday, May 24, 2019

Why did you choose your career?

Well, that question is hard to answer for me, because I've never thought much about that.

When I was a child I really never thought about what I would do in my future and I never had thought things like "When I grow up I want to be like him".
Since I've never thought much about what to work or study, I didn't really have an idea of the options I could have, so, before I started to study chemistry, I didn't really know what to study. The only thing I could have considered as a second option would be to be Carabinero like my dad.
If someone would asked me "what made you decide in the end?", my answer wouldn't be the great thing, I would just answer that I like science, I like both physics and chemistry, but I don't really know why I choose chemistry over others.
And as I haven't been very clear about the subject of my studies, the subject of the work ins't an exception, but I find that it wouldn't be bad to work in a laboratory, but I don't really care about it, I will only be happy if I have a stable job.
Of the little time that I've been studying in the university, I find that it hasn't been bad, but leaving aside that making friends isn't my strong point (although little by little I'm getting better), the environment, the teachers, the classes and my classmates have been good and pleasant.
This took me more time than I expected. Good night, mornings or whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Aww I think you are a nice person, stay confident about making friends!
