Monday, October 14, 2019

Postgraduate Studies

I have to be honest with you, this is a topic that I really haven't thought much about, and one of which I don't have a very good knowledge, so, I don't have much to comment of it.
At least now I don't have a very good knowledge, but I promise that I will.
Well, if I could say something is that it will be nice do a course of advanced English, or study pedagogy to be a teacher, maybe.
And the issue of how I would study (whatever I do in the end),uhm... I don't know if studying abroad it's for me indeed, but it could be a great experience, well, as I said,  I think studying abroad isn't a good idea for me, however, if I gain more confidence in my English, I could look at the chance of studying abroad for a while at least.
And how to studying it, well, I think that the format of "distance learning" is really not for me, I need someone next to me talking and teaching me, so probably would be good a "part time" course or a "full time", but I don't discard the possibility of a "blended system", it will depend on the situation of my future me, if I need work or something else.
Well that was all for today so see you the next week, see you.

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