Monday, October 7, 2019

My future job

I don't have a solid idea of what could work in the future, maybe being a teacher or working with companies, I don't know. The idea is to work in something related to what I studied, but you can't know what could happen in the future.
But If I could say something is, uhmm... I don't care if I need to travel much if I could read my novels on the way, It would be nice to work outdoor but If I need to work indoor, as long as it isn't much stressful, it could be nice too .
About the salary, as you can see, I'm not very demanding so, if the pay is good and allows me live with my hobbies I wouldn't complain.
Another idea is work abroad, and I'm not sure that working in another country is for me, If I work abroad for a while it would be great, for a while I mean for one month maybe.
I'm not a very demanding man, indeed I'm very simple I think.
Maybe a good job for me is one that allows me to enjoy the little things of the live, If I just have time to disconnect my mind a little and just calm down it would be great.
Have a nice day, week or year, the one you prefer. ~Bye~

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