Friday, April 5, 2019

Getting to know each other

Hello, my name is Eduardo MacĂ­as and I was born on july 02, 2000, so now I am 18 years old. I live in Buin with my parents and my two brothers, my older brother and my younger brother.
I like to read and I spend most of my free time reading, as long as they find chapters to read from the series I follow, if not then what I do is watch videos on YouTube or play video games on my PC.
Now I'm studying Chemistry at the University of Chile, which takes time away from my hobbies, but I do not care since I like to study here.The only thing that bothers me a little is that since I live in Buin, I have to get up early to take the bus.
Well I already leave it here, I never liked to talk about me, I'm more of listening than talking, so I'm saying goodbye, and if someone wants to recognize me I leave an photograph of me here. Bye.

Well it's not a photograph, but who cares.